The Spartan Apprentice by W. Vale


Helen of Sparta, engineering apprentice, Spartan warrior. When her world is destroyed by a depraved regime, there is no limit to her skill and courage as she fights for justice.

Master Inventor Phillipus Lysimachos, is expecting an apprentice from the Seminary in Athens but is astonished to find that his new apprentice is female. However, Helena of Sparta is not just an accomplished graduate of the Seminary, but a woman trained in the discipline of Spartan combat. These skills are to become useful when the depraved prince of the City State of Kabalin decides to destroy those who displease him.

The story is woven with love, honour, endurance and spectacular feats of courage from a young woman, as she fights for justice.

W.A.Vale has written a book of almost poetic beauty, whilst giving the reader a compelling and action-packed storyline.
Lynn Brittney, author of the Nathan Fox trilogy.

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